Wednesday, August 13, 2014

PLEASE---Just Rape Our Kids Instead!

Hopefully the title of this blog has caught your attention.  It was meant to.  If you are like me, you could never fully grasp Lot’s offer to the angry, evil masses of Sodom:

Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don't do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof."
~Genesis 19:8

SAY WHAT?  Please gang-rape my virgin daughters instead???  What kind of psycho parent offers this as an option?  Brace yourself for the answer:

YOU and ME

Hopefully you are righteously indignant and offended right now.  Keep reading.  YES, I will show you that we are doing the same EXACT THING!

By caving in to human secularism in our public schools, our government, and allowing our public square to become estranged from all manner of our Judeo-Christian ethic, prayers, Bible study, and godly instruction, we have literally handed over our innocent children to the evil masses and stated:

“Here, please rape them instead.”

So, why did these evil people of Sodom really want to rape the angels, you may ask?  Here's the Bible scriptures:  

The two angels came to Sodom in the evening
~Genesis 19: 1(a)

They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."
~Genesis 19:5

What do the angels represent in our culture today?  They symbolize our CHURCHES, our FAITH.  Thus, we now see headlines such as these, after Obama’s recent “execution order” regarding gay “rights” for all government contractors.  Our collective mental elevator is slowly reaching to the top of our consciousness.  (Click on links if you want to read the full articles)

Obama’s Executive Order Discriminates Against Christian Colleges, Organizations

Obama's LGBT Executive Order endangers religious liberty

Obama's New LGBT Edict Outrages Conservatives, Christians

Thus, it is no longer enough for the devil to just mind-rape the public schools or our public square with the LGBT agenda. He is never satisfied with the “status quo.”  Hell is never satisfied.

What he is REALLY after, what he REALLY wants is to rape our Faith.   He is coming to a theater near you.  It WILL be your profession next, your Christian school, your Church, your “house”…not just our individual virginal, innocent children—but the entire next generation.  There is no safe haven within Sodom.
When we don’t understand how evil works, we get blindsided by it.  Consider this quote from Messianic Prophet Joel Rosenberg:

“To misunderstand the nature and threat of evil is to risk being blindsided by it.”

Evil is compelled to always move “Forward”, to always gain ground.  

Only when evil comes up against godly (not passive) resistance does it flee. Only when we fully submit ourselves to God Almighty do we have the power to resist. 

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
~James 4:7

I believe we are in the Final Hour of the United States as we know it.  The fire and brimstone is about to rain down on us and we are already seeing the global world in chaos.
Are you like Lot?  Are you trying to “cut a deal” with the devil because you cluelessly and selfishly think your personal area can remain “unmolested?” 

Will you simply bend over?  If so, Brace yourself. Your false sense of security is about to…


When they were safely out of the city, one of the angels ordered, "Run for your lives! And don't look back or stop anywhere in the valley! Escape to the mountains, or you will be swept away!"
~Genesis 19:17

That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved.
~Benjamin Franklin

Dear Heavenly Father.  Please cure us of a false sense of security.  Teach us how we can protect our innocent children through REPENTANCE.  Dear Living God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Lot, please forgive our sins and heal our land.  Help us to realize that when we sincerely and humbly turn from our own wicked ways, you will hear from heaven.  Open our eyes so we can realize that only when we daily submit to God’s purification, (Revelation 3: 19-21) will the devil flee.  Let us understand that when we no longer call ourselves a Judeo-Christian nation, we have begun to lose the spiritual war and we invite in all manner of wicked demonic influences to "pray" curses over our government and culture.  We pray only to You Lord.  Please hear this pray in the precious Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, under whose Name every knee must and will bow.

~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly

Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration 

–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:

or by emailing him at

1 comment:

  1. There are still a lot of Christian people in America. The problem is the American government.... they are satanists.
