Sunday, May 11, 2014


            Human beings are designed for covenant.  Unique among the creatures of God we are capable of voluntary, reciprocal, and developmental relationships.  Dogs are either pack or solitary – they don’t choose social or solitary each morning.  If your dog bites my dog, mine will likely bite back, but if your dog bites me I will likely call a lawyer.  And when a dog reaches maturity he is all the dog he can be.  When I reach adulthood I will continue to change and – hopefully – grow the rest of my life.  This maturity occurs in relationships in which I live and move.

            Covenant – as opposed to a contract with fixed terms, conditions and boundaries – is a shaped relationship remaining open at the front end.  When God tells people (Micah 6:8) they know what He requires – to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with Him – He shapes the relationship without limiting its growth.  Ditto when Jesus calls the heart of covenant with God that we love God with all our might and neighbor as ourselves.  We are not just designed for covenant living; we attain the fullness of humanity only within that context, whether in the most intimate setting of the marriage covenant or in the social covenants of friendship and constitutional community. 

            In California we’ve done a poor job – at best – of keeping covenant with God and with one another.    

            We lead the nation in divorce and co-habitation without marriage, and these are covenant breaking and refusal to covenant at all, respectively.  Yet most of us remain blissfully unaware of – and in denial of – the degree to which covenant breaking is a lifestyle in our culture and history.  When our ancestors arrived in California they discovered more varieties of Native American tribes than in any other state.  They entered into covenants – treaties – with more frequency than in any other state – and we have broken virtually all of them.  That breaking has often been accompanied by violence of a unique ferocity.

               The Natural Bridges Massacre is one of the worst examples.  The gold miners of Weaverville lived in peace with the Nor-el Muk band of the Wintu nation until a famine came and six Indians begged food from a hate-filled Weaverville grocer.  He suggested they eat grass instead.  When his body was found with grass stuffed in his mouth a posse formed and reacted.  They never found the suspects, but they murdered more than one hundred fifty women, children and elderly Wintu at Natural Bridges for revenge.  To this day tourists and locals alike think the area a playground instead of the shrine it ought to be; graffiti covers the rocks where the dead are still not permitted to rest in peace.

            Even worse was the Etna area massacre of Shasta people.  Whites entered into a peace treaty with the tribe and – to celebrate – invited the tribe to a barbecue.  They laced the beef with strychnine and three thousand Shastans died.  Those who did not succumb to the poison were gunned down as they fled.  To this day the federal government denies the event took place, but I saw xeroxed copies of contemporary newspaper accounts of the slaughter.  It happened; denial only worsens the atrocity.

            Covenant breaking is unique among the master sins of California in that it does not stop with polluting the physical environment as much as the hearts of we who live in it.  It degrades our very nature as beings designed for one way of living and one only.  What does repentance resemble?

            The first thing is simple enough – fess up where we have messed up.  The second is just as simple – choose to recognize the God Who makes us as the God Who understands our best interests far better than we; re-focus our attention on Him and His ways and forget our excuses that too much time has passed or we are not our ancestors.  We accept the Gold Rush benefits they bequeath cheerfully enough; we can accept responsibility for righting their Gold Rush wrongs with the same cheerfulness.

            Of course such recognition would change our decision-making – one decision at a time – from whatever seems necessary to me to whatever seems important to my Maker.  It would embody Jesus’ words that when we sacrifice life claims for others we come into His abundant life, but when we hang on to self-serving survival we only postpone death for awhile.

            Prayer is the most important third dimension.  When we pray before and after doing we are reminded – should we forget – that the Good Samaritan remains the model of ultimate covenant keeping and Micah 6:8 still defines the covenant lifestyle.

James A. Wilson is the author of Living As Ambassadors of Relationships and The Holy Spirit and the End Times – available at local bookstores or by e-mailing him at



Tuesday, May 6, 2014


            God has given no more beautiful gift than the sexual union He makes possible between a husband and wife.  It is the fullest expression of “having one’s back” – understood as total commitment.  There is good and credible evidence the Jews invented romantic love as expressed in their practice of kissing and making love in the frontal position, making possible the intimate engagement – looking one another in the eye – we associate with “knowing” in the Biblical sense.  Sexual union is also the way we give birth to children whose purpose is to provide an opportunity for sacrificial love as much as to reproduce our species.  This approach to union is unique to humankind. 

God clearly intended this as His gift from the beginning.  A proper translation of Genesis 2:18 reads literally, “one who can look him in the face,” as egalitarian a term as anyone could ask for the status of a wife; “helpmate” is simply not it.  Meanwhile, Genesis 2:24 depicts God declaring a man leaves his parents and becomes one flesh with his wife.  Jesus calls this foundational in Mark 10.  Only then is sex the gift He intends.

            Tragically, we have not been content to walk out God’s plan, and California leads the nation in walking out the tragedy.  Many studies – conducted by major secular universities over the past four decades – show marriages sturdier and stabler when the couple marries prior to co-habitation.  Others show children far less at risk for poverty, crime, or addiction when raised in traditional families.  Studies touting the benefits of raising children in alternative households have been debunked as junk science by studies actually employing the scientific method and painting a picture much more grim.  Although there are times when a marriage cannot endure the strains placed on it, and the one entrusted with the children does the best and often successful job possible against odds, there is no alternative model in which adults and children consistently thrive than the Biblical one.  Yet we keep trying to do the same dysfunctional stuff while expecting a different result for ourselves and our children.

            California plays host to the worldwide pornography industry.  Between eighty and ninety per cent of pornography produced worldwide comes out of the greater Los Angeles area – ironically a place named for the angels of God – and its use is as common in the Church as outside it.  Pornography is by definition an appeal to the absence of covenant relationship in which only the pleasure associated with sexual union is entertained.  The people on both sides of the screen are treated as objects – pieces of meat in essence – and even Christians tend to deny the destruction this wreaks on authentic relationships, although numerous studies document the reality.  Add that to the social tendency for engaged couples to focus more on the wedding than the marriage in their preparation times and it is small wonder our state leads the nation in divorce and marital dysfunction.  What can we do as people of repentance?

            For openers we could check out Ephesians 5:21-25 in God’s Book.   The world was grounded in sacrifice from the beginning.  (I have made my case for this in previous blogs and will doubtless do it again herafter.)  Verse 21 calls on husbands and wives to submit to (read sacrifice for) one another out of reverence for Christ.  The rest speaks to how wives and husbands can accomplish this mutual submission within their respective spheres – and nothing more nor less.  There is no subordination in marriage; only mutual submission leading to mutual joy, if we accept the counter-intuitive precept God gives.  

            We are indeed called to repent in this season of spiritual drought leading to physical drought.  Repentance is not about beating ourselves up over our own behavior, much less that of others.  It is about re-focus on God and on the life He offers to us.  The people of God who observe the lifestyle of repentance as the privilege it is will look first at how they can be better spouses and parents according to the Biblical model.  They will re-discover the joy of covenant engagement with one spouse viewed as a person and not as an object.  And we will beg God on an ongoing basis to lead the rest of us Californians back to Him and to His ways.  Repentance is about seeking abundant life from its Giver through practical acts.  And we can start by celebrating that – while there are sexual sins and they are rampant in our state – there is no necessary connection between the one and the other.  Authentic sex is anything but sin.

James A. Wilson is the author of Living As Ambassadors of Relationships and The Holy Spirit and the End Times – available at local bookstores or by e-mailing him at