Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Death by Any Other Name

In Shakespeare’s play Romeo & Juliet, Juliet argues that "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."  Juliet was stating that the NAME of something does not matter, only the essence of what it is.  I’m not sure I would totally agree with her as names have incredible significance, but she does have a valid point.

This week John Kerry claimed that “global warming” or “climate change” (the NEW name given by the lapdog media after the recent laughable Arctic Polar Vortex) is a Weapon of Mass Destruction.   Let me shock my readers by agreeing with him. 

The DOCTRINE of global warming or climate change IS the Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction.

 In recent history, it has never been politically acceptable to simply stand up and state an intention to wipe out entire segments of the population.  Therefore, it has always been necessary to craftily devise a plan that sounds and smells sweet.

Darwin’s theories, published in 1859, spawned the Survival of the Fittest philosophy which gave impetus to a whole host of ambitions and abominations.  Eugenics, for instance, took root IMMEDIATELY following Darwin’s published theories in France, Germany, Great Britain and the United States in the 1860s-1870s.  Coincidence?  I think not. 

Margaret Sanger, the mother of Planned Parenthood, addressed the white man’s fear of the growing population of the emancipated Negro.  Her theories on Eugenics and birth control were frighteningly stated in her aptly titled book The Pivot of Civilization, published in 1922. 

Immediately following the spread of Eugenics as a philosophy, the proliferation and prosperity of the Germanic Jews gave rise to Hitler’s 1930’s-1940’s anti-Semitism which was cloaked in the desire for “race purity”--a closely related topic found in Eugenics.    

This march towards genocidal madness continued in the 1960’s and 1970’s with the supposed problem of “overpopulation” addressed by the increasing penchant for abortion.   

In more recent times we see China addressing the false doctrine of overpopulation by forcibly strapping women down, drugging them and ripping their babies from their wombs.  A little known FACT about China is that HUGE PORTIONS of the land mass is SPARSELY OCCUPIED.  Why then the false smoke screen of overpopulation? 

Consider these statistics taken directly from Wikipedia regarding China:

42.9% of total land area is used as PASTURE and 17.5% is FOREST.

How about these facts about China from the Encylopedia Britannica?:

In contrast, the isolated, extensive western and frontier regions, which are much larger than any European country, are sparsely populated.

Just this week we saw Belgium vote in CHILD EUTHANASIA under the guise of “mercy.” 

Now we have John Kerry railing against mankind’s “Carbon Footprint.”  This is just another rosy-smelling genocidal code word. 

This black rose has Satanic roots.  Every single unique, amazingly created Human Being is a walking, talking, thinking, breathing testament to God’s incredible Glory.  Every time a baby is born…we are witnessing a miracle that screams GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!  New Life is an AFFRONT to the evil forces of the universe which seek to SILENCE this testimony in any way that they can.   

Recently in Australia, South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi had the bravery to stand up to public opinion and describe abortion advocates as "Pro-Death”.  He was eviscerated by the media.  Even the “weak-kneed, finger licking--check which way the wind is blowing” Catholic Prime Minister Tony Abbot sought to distance himself from his former parliamentary secretary.

  Here’s a quote from an Australian Newspaper: 

The comments triggered a wave of criticism from Labor and the Greens, who demanded Abbott "completely disassociate himself" from Bernardi's views. Bernardi – who stood down as parliamentary secretary to Abbott in 2012 after suggesting that allowing same-sex marriage might lead to the social acceptance of bestiality – has long railed against what he described as political correctness.

The prime minister’s office issued a short statement that said: "Senator Bernardi is a backbencher and his views do not represent the position of the government.”

Really?  Is this the same CATHOLIC Prime Minister who was hailed by Conservative Christians as their Savior for Australian moral values upon his recent election? 

 The genuine Truth is…Australian Senator Cory Bernardi nailed it.  He hit the soft underbelly of the abortion industry with a direct shot. 

Let’s hope more people in high profile positions have this type of courage…The courage to say that the rosy pictures of Red Socialism, Ecumenical Oneness and United Nations Utopian Fantasies painted by John Kerry…



And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.
~Isaiah 3:24


Almighty God, we acknowledge You as the Maker of Heaven and Earth and Giver of Life.  All of Creation attests to your Majesty.  You have created mankind in your Image.  All murderous and lying spirits ultimately seek to eradicate evidence of Your Holy Creation.  They seek to raise up their Human Secularist “wisdom” and exalt it over the knowledge of You.  We ask that you strike down these abominations O Lord.  Raise your fist against those who would slyly support genocide as an answer to any of the world’s problems.  YOU are the only answer to Life’s problems and you have come to bring us LIFE and LIFE more abundantly.  We pray this in the name of Your Holy Son, Yeshua, who died and rose again so that we may LIVE.   

~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly

Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration

–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:  www.dayofrepentance.org

or by emailing him at


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