Tuesday, February 25, 2014


By James Wilson

            Diana and I did not plant the sandalwood grove on the back slopes of the Haleakala volcano; Native Hawaiians re-introducing native vegetation did.  We did not plant the nearby settlement at Kahiki Nui; Hawaiians entitled to land under the ethnic homestead law built their homes.  But we did help. 

When wildfire erupted in 2003 – threatening to burn out the settlement and trees that had not grown on Maui in more than a century we were there.  We called people of prayer back in California and soon had about fifty praying round the clock – while firefighters fought their hearts out in the almost inaccessible terrain and braved the rifle fire of marijuana growers in the same neighborhood.  Our team prayed nothing but blessing on all concerned.  In a few days the fire was out and – though flames came within a few feet of settlement and sandalwood – no harm was done to homes or trees.  The marijuana growers were burnt out and – yes – they too were blessed because the evil they represented was short-circuited.  Settlement and sandalwood continue to flourish today.

            We did one thing while others did many things.  Others remained to build after we went home.  But the one thing we did helped a lot.  We exercised the Andrew Anointing.

            Andrew is one of the obscure apostles.  In John 1:40-42 Andrew hears what John the Baptist says about Jesus being the Son of God and believes it.  He immediately goes to find his brother, Peter, telling him the Messiah has been found.  Peter becomes the most famous of the apostles; he does many things that are recorded in scripture.  So far as the Biblical record can show, Andrew only did one thing.  But exercising the anointing that carries his name helped to advance the Kingdom of God a lot.

            There is no way to know which thing we do will leave the world a better place but we can know what things are worth doing.  We know it every time we act to serve the least of these – as Jesus instructs in Matthew 25:31-40.  We know it each time we have each other’s backs – as Jesus declares in John 10 and 15 – defending the weaker brother from the bully.  We know it each time we confess Jesus as Lord, as He promises in Luke 21 and Matthew 10.  And we know it each time we make sacrifice – for Him or for one of His little ones – because that is why He came into the world – to make sacrifice for each of us.  Each time we do a thing just because it is worth doing we exercise the Andrew Anointing…at the very least.

            There are typically many “one things” we have the opportunity to do in a lifetime.  Taken alone they seem small – because they are – but the Lord knits these little things into a tapestry for His glory.  I had forgotten the little thing I did more than a decade ago until the Wintu leader spoke of it during the recent dedication of his tribal cultural center.  This leader needed to pick up another leader and his car was not functioning.  I loaned him my car for the afternoon and he was able to pick up his colleague – no big deal.  But as he tells the story the seemingly insignificant assist I provided led to introductions with the leaders of Bethel Church in Redding and the church soon began monthly donations to the tribe.  They called it “rent” because their buildings sit on land that once belonged to the Wintu and for which they had never been compensated.  The relationship deepened and the leaders honored the church that day for facilitating the building of the cultural center in ways large and small.  It began with the loan of a car.  Who could know?

            In the famous story Loren Eiseley walks a beach after a storm.  Thousands of storm-tossed starfish on the beach are dying; a young boy walking along is throwing the starfish back into the water one at a time.  Eiseley approaches the boy and asks why; with thousands of starfish stranded, he says, the effort cannot make a real difference.  The boy responds, “It makes a difference to this one,” as he throws another one back.  What Eiseley does not express is the reality that it makes as much difference to the boy as to the starfish.

            Our Lord says if we are faithful in small things He will begin to trust us with much more.  He wants us to use all of our anointing and gifting.  But the Andrew Anointing is a real good place to start.   

James A. Wilson is the author of Living As Ambassadors of Relationships and The Holy Spirit and the End Times – available at local bookstores or by e-mailing him at

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


By James Wilson
            It was 1984 when outlaw biker Roger Ralston had a prophetic dream.  God told Roger to found a ministry of compassion for pregnant women in crisis.  A new Christian, he knew only to obey the voice of God, obedience was a new concept to him.  God said more.  If Roger and others would be faithful the ministry would become a full service medical facility, operate in three counties simultaneously, and one day take over the facilities of a local abortion referral service.

            Roger retired after a few years as the first director of Crisis Pregnancy Center in Shasta County.  Those who knew of his dream continued to pray it, and countless volunteers worked it whether they knew or not.  By 2006 the name had changed to Carenet Pregnancy Center, they were operating a medical facility with volunteer doctors and nurses, had expanded into Trinity and Tehama Counties, and taken over the facilities of the abortion service at the provider’s invitation.  The dream was as pragmatic as it was prophetic, and this is one of the principle reality checks to be passed by any legitimate prophecy.  If it is prophetic it is pragmatic.

            Carenet is now part of a national network.  Just as nationally well known is LifeLight; both have chapters in my city of Redding.  Their donor bases tend to cross-pollinate.  In 2005 they inadvertently scheduled their primary fundraisers for the same night.  Aghast at what seemed a disaster for both ministries in the making, they listened to my prophecy to leave the double scheduling intact and bless each other that the Lord might bless them both.  Each sent people to assist the other ministry that night and both ministries broke all previous records for fundraising.  Again, if it is prophetic it is pragmatic.

            The contemporary prophetic movement is an authentic move of God.  He has been speaking to and through His people from the beginning.  He speaks because He is a God of speech; He spoke the world and its creatures into being.  What changes with the incarnation of His Son is the disbursement of His words through the whole community of His Body and His Blood – with many voices contributing a panel to the tapestry – just as He promised in Isaiah 59, Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 39, and Joel 2.   

The role of the prophets in this fulfilled divine economy is to release and pastor the prophetic voice He has released over the prophetic community.  But the Old Testament prophets were ever focused on what was happening at ground level – whether they spoke of past, present, or future events.  No authentic prophet of Israel would have been content to speak in a rapturous tone of voice about some mystical and non-specific “shift” in the heavenlies, or to predict year after year that this was the year the Lord transfers all the wealth of the world to the saints and all our dreams come true.  The people tested the prophetic utterances then and we need to test the spirits now – as Paul insists in 1 Thessalonians 5:21.

            Proper testing of prophecy is not rocket science.  It must be consistent with the scriptures; God does not contradict Himself.  It addresses present, past or future events through the lens of God’s perspective.  And it includes a practical directive toward a pragmatic outcome.  That said, some prophecies deal with the apparently mundane while others deal in what can only be called grandiose.  The Alamo prophecy is downright grandiose and the jury is out on its fulfillment.

            On a 2009 visit to the Alamo God called me to pray fulfillment of His purposes for that 1836 battle in our nation today.  He said those purposes were fulfilled then in the crucible of encirclement, assault, and massacre.  He identified them as the garrison becoming one race – as Indians, Americans, Europeans and Hispanics came together in the common cause of freedom – and one faith – as a garrison co-commanded by a Baptist and a Catholic and representing every known Christian background learned to pray together as they fought and gave their lives.  The third purpose was personified in the thirty-two from Gonzales who rode in on the ninth day – they rode toward rather than away from the place of danger.  He says our nation struggles in that same crucible today; it is a spiritual, political, and physical assault, and in that order.  He says that what cost the Alamo defenders their earthly lives and brought them to eternal life is on the table for our nation today.  It passes prophetic muster; the question is whether it passes from our ears through our minds and into our hearts.

James A. Wilson is the author of Living As Ambassadors of Relationships and The Holy Spirit and the End Times – available at local bookstores or by e-mailing him at

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Death by Any Other Name

In Shakespeare’s play Romeo & Juliet, Juliet argues that "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."  Juliet was stating that the NAME of something does not matter, only the essence of what it is.  I’m not sure I would totally agree with her as names have incredible significance, but she does have a valid point.

This week John Kerry claimed that “global warming” or “climate change” (the NEW name given by the lapdog media after the recent laughable Arctic Polar Vortex) is a Weapon of Mass Destruction.   Let me shock my readers by agreeing with him. 

The DOCTRINE of global warming or climate change IS the Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction.

 In recent history, it has never been politically acceptable to simply stand up and state an intention to wipe out entire segments of the population.  Therefore, it has always been necessary to craftily devise a plan that sounds and smells sweet.

Darwin’s theories, published in 1859, spawned the Survival of the Fittest philosophy which gave impetus to a whole host of ambitions and abominations.  Eugenics, for instance, took root IMMEDIATELY following Darwin’s published theories in France, Germany, Great Britain and the United States in the 1860s-1870s.  Coincidence?  I think not. 

Margaret Sanger, the mother of Planned Parenthood, addressed the white man’s fear of the growing population of the emancipated Negro.  Her theories on Eugenics and birth control were frighteningly stated in her aptly titled book The Pivot of Civilization, published in 1922. 

Immediately following the spread of Eugenics as a philosophy, the proliferation and prosperity of the Germanic Jews gave rise to Hitler’s 1930’s-1940’s anti-Semitism which was cloaked in the desire for “race purity”--a closely related topic found in Eugenics.    

This march towards genocidal madness continued in the 1960’s and 1970’s with the supposed problem of “overpopulation” addressed by the increasing penchant for abortion.   

In more recent times we see China addressing the false doctrine of overpopulation by forcibly strapping women down, drugging them and ripping their babies from their wombs.  A little known FACT about China is that HUGE PORTIONS of the land mass is SPARSELY OCCUPIED.  Why then the false smoke screen of overpopulation? 

Consider these statistics taken directly from Wikipedia regarding China:

42.9% of total land area is used as PASTURE and 17.5% is FOREST.

How about these facts about China from the Encylopedia Britannica?:

In contrast, the isolated, extensive western and frontier regions, which are much larger than any European country, are sparsely populated.

Just this week we saw Belgium vote in CHILD EUTHANASIA under the guise of “mercy.” 

Now we have John Kerry railing against mankind’s “Carbon Footprint.”  This is just another rosy-smelling genocidal code word. 

This black rose has Satanic roots.  Every single unique, amazingly created Human Being is a walking, talking, thinking, breathing testament to God’s incredible Glory.  Every time a baby is born…we are witnessing a miracle that screams GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!  New Life is an AFFRONT to the evil forces of the universe which seek to SILENCE this testimony in any way that they can.   

Recently in Australia, South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi had the bravery to stand up to public opinion and describe abortion advocates as "Pro-Death”.  He was eviscerated by the media.  Even the “weak-kneed, finger licking--check which way the wind is blowing” Catholic Prime Minister Tony Abbot sought to distance himself from his former parliamentary secretary.

  Here’s a quote from an Australian Newspaper: 

The comments triggered a wave of criticism from Labor and the Greens, who demanded Abbott "completely disassociate himself" from Bernardi's views. Bernardi – who stood down as parliamentary secretary to Abbott in 2012 after suggesting that allowing same-sex marriage might lead to the social acceptance of bestiality – has long railed against what he described as political correctness.

The prime minister’s office issued a short statement that said: "Senator Bernardi is a backbencher and his views do not represent the position of the government.”

Really?  Is this the same CATHOLIC Prime Minister who was hailed by Conservative Christians as their Savior for Australian moral values upon his recent election? 

 The genuine Truth is…Australian Senator Cory Bernardi nailed it.  He hit the soft underbelly of the abortion industry with a direct shot. 

Let’s hope more people in high profile positions have this type of courage…The courage to say that the rosy pictures of Red Socialism, Ecumenical Oneness and United Nations Utopian Fantasies painted by John Kerry…



And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.
~Isaiah 3:24


Almighty God, we acknowledge You as the Maker of Heaven and Earth and Giver of Life.  All of Creation attests to your Majesty.  You have created mankind in your Image.  All murderous and lying spirits ultimately seek to eradicate evidence of Your Holy Creation.  They seek to raise up their Human Secularist “wisdom” and exalt it over the knowledge of You.  We ask that you strike down these abominations O Lord.  Raise your fist against those who would slyly support genocide as an answer to any of the world’s problems.  YOU are the only answer to Life’s problems and you have come to bring us LIFE and LIFE more abundantly.  We pray this in the name of Your Holy Son, Yeshua, who died and rose again so that we may LIVE.   

~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly

Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration

–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:  www.dayofrepentance.org

or by emailing him at


Saturday, February 15, 2014


By James Wilson
            The writer said, “I am not a reader of the Bible, nor am I a practicing member of a church…However, I am a Christian who believes in the message that God gave us when He sent His Son into the world on Christmas Day.  We are to care for the poor, the needy, the less fortunate than we are…”  She then attacked a local church she judged deficient in carrying out this message.  The trouble is, she has no idea what the Gospel is about.  She would have to read and believe the Bible to know that.

            Jesus does set a high priority on caring for the poor.  But the Gospel itself is much more personal.  The message is we cannot make it without entering a radically dependent relationship with Him.  Once we engage that relationship one of the signs will be caring for the poor.  God’s Word is just as clear, however, that we can care for the poor apart from Him and achieve only evil; read the temptation narratives in Matthew 4 and Luke 4.  Of course, this was a letter to the editor.  The attack e-mails I receive are personal.

Some would instruct me about prophecy, but I often get correction regarding the “Christian principles of love and tolerance.”  The writers – who are rarely believers – want to remind me of my responsibilities to these principles.  The trouble is, while love is paramount in the Christian faith, there is no such thing as Christian tolerance.  There are four ways to say “love” in the New Testament alone, but each of them means to embrace the other with compassion and committed relationship – treating the other as though he is more important than me.  The same principle applies to the radical act of love we call forgiveness.  Jesus requires that we approach our brethren seeking reconciliation (Matthew 5) before we approach Jesus Himself in worship.  He expects us to extend ourselves to the one who holds something against us before we offer gifts to Him – even if the other has no legitimate grievance.  Love – by the way – is action leading to warm feelings – if practiced consistently; it is not feelings that lead to action.

             Tolerance – toleration – is simply putting up with something or someone we detest and reject out of hand, hoping it does not show too much.  We tolerate bad weather, long lines, and dead-end jobs.  Christian love crowds out tolerance every time.  The crowding occurs because love is real and substantive while tolerance – applied to human relationships – is nothing but hypocrisy masquerading as apathy.

            The folks chanting tolerance as though it were a mantra understand this as well as I do.  If I own a business – from a bakery to photography – that caters to weddings in Oregon or Colorado – where, incidentally, gay marriage remains illegal – the government will run me out of business if I refuse to serve a gay wedding.  It is not enough that I make no fuss, that I am tolerant; I am required to embrace the people and the concept if I am to do business without serious penalty.  If I own Hobby Lobby it is not enough that I tolerate the legality of elective abortion in the land; the government expects me to supply abortion services to my employees because it expect me to embrace something that spits in the face of my faith convictions.  Tolerance is not enough; only loving embrace will do.  But those who insist I love have no clue what love is.

             As it is depicted in traditional wedding services, love hangs in there through thick and thin with people who may disappoint or even disgust the lover.  But like the famous expression of patriotic love spoken by Stephen Decatur, “Our country…may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong,” love is anything but a blanket endorsement of self-destructive behavior.  Jesus loved lepers; He hated leprosy.  I love my addicted friends and relatives; I hate their addiction.  I will speak against it whenever I can and tolerate it whenever I must.

             Some things are simply not tolerable.  Governors, attorneys general, and even presidents who won’t enforce – or will unilaterally re-write – the laws entrusted to them are not tolerable; they are to be opposed.  People who bully and terrorize those who do not conform to their ideas are not tolerable; they are to be stopped.  Non or marginal Christians who think they know my faith better than I do are to be ignored.  Yet Christians are called to love even these – and even as we ignore, oppose or stop them.  We’re called to love, not tolerate.   

James A. Wilson is the author of Living As Ambassadors of Relationships and The Holy Spirit and the End Times – available at local bookstores or by e-mailing him at

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


By James Wilson
            Iva Toguri is Tokyo Rose to most Americans, World War II traitor.  Born in America in 1916, she died in America in 2006.  She was the victim of one of the most horrific injustices in American history because Harry Truman wanted re-election.

            Iva Toguri traveled to Japan in the weeks preceding Pearl Harbor to visit her seriously ill mother.  The last ship for the States departed without her on the eve of war and she was stranded in a land in which she had never lived and toward whom she felt no loyalty.  The Kempetai – the Japanese secret police – forced her to renounce her American citizenship but permitted her to work for a radio station as a secretary.  They later insisted she begin a regular broadcast as Orphan Annie; Tokyo Rose was bestowed by American servicemen.  Toguri did what she could to undermine the Japanese propaganda effort.  She read her scripts with tongue-in-cheek, refused much she was told to include, and – by some accounts – managed to pass coded strategic information to American forces.  She was promptly arrested by the US Army following the Japanese surrender.

            She was held and investigated for a year before the army released her because they found no evidence she betrayed her country.  When syndicated columnist Walter Winchell heard of her release he launched a months-long tirade against her and those who were “soft” on traitors.  President Harry Truman, fighting an uphill battle for re-election, ordered her re-arrest and transport to the United States – as a stateless person.  Her whole political arrest and trial got Winchell off Truman’s back and Truman back into the White House.  She was convicted of treason in 1949 and sentenced to ten years in prison.  The jury was denied access to transcripts of any of her wartime broadcasts.  Every witness against her admitted to perjuring themselves years after the trial and the prosecutor committed suicide.  She was released in 1956 and President Gerald Ford pardoned her in 1977.  She never again saw her husband because he was unable to come to America.

            What about her constitutional rights?  What about the presumption of innocence and the right to a trial free of government misconduct?  Reality is that when the entire weight of a government – even a supposed constitutional government – is hell bent on making a scapegoat there is nothing one or a few can do to stop it.  The juggernaut can only be stopped – and reversed – by the application of equal force.  That equal force comes about in a democracy only when an informed, alert and relentlessly skeptical public remains on watch and demands integrity from officials – and from a media that is supposedly anointed itself for integrity.  There is no room for “growing weary in well doing” as the Bible puts it.  There is no room for a “we fought the war; now leave us alone” mindset, because the war for what America stands for is never over until we lose our freedom or King Jesus comes back and His Kingdom comes with Him in power.

            But why bring Tokyo Rose up now?  Because we are living in a time of public exhaustion now.  We live in a time in which Martha Stewart, Scooter Libby, and Congressman Tom DeLay are convicted in federal court not of criminal wrongdoing, but of insisting they were innocent after the government decided they were guilty.  In DeLay’s case it took seven grand juries to indict; the prosecutor kept impaneling new juries until he got one to say what he wanted to hear.  Delay’s conviction was thrown out by an appeals court ordering a not-guilty verdict rather than a new trial.  But the years lost to these people, and their shattered reputations and careers, are unrecoverable.

            The Word of God says when – and only when – we acknowledge Him Who is Truth before men He acknowledges us before His Father, teaching in that very hour what we are to say and do.  He says when we seek Him first He will supply all we need in this world and the next. 

            In practical application that means we are relentless in seeking truth regarding government agendas from Benghazi to IRS persecution to NSA spying and the assaults on the First and Second Amendments.  It means we recognize and repudiate the insanity of polls showing 68% of us applaud as good and necessary the revelations of Edward Snowden about the NSA while 56% want him tried for treason.  It means we seek an anointing for integrity for ourselves and demand – relentlessly – that persons in power seek it for themselves before prosecuting Snowden for the “crime” of exposing them.      

James A. Wilson is the author of Living As Ambassadors of Relationships and The Holy Spirit and the End Times – available at local bookstores or by e-mailing him at