Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hurry Up and Die

“What you are about to do, do quickly.” ~John 13:27
 (Jesus to Judas Iscariot on the night of his betrayal)

Since the beginning of time, all of creation and mankind have been in an inexorable march towards a state of decline.  God created a perfect world…harmony and order out of chaos.  It seems mankind is intent on rushing headlong back into the chaotic void. 

There was probably no more idyllic timeframe in America than the 1940’s and 1950’s immediately following the end of World War II.  It was as if the entire world had just regurgitated a pent up secretion of mayhem and now our country was ready to rest and recuperate.  It was a short period of respite that soon would be disturbed once again by our penchant to eagerly embrace sin and our unwillingness to confront evil immediately. 

The following decades all had their imprimatur stamp of American sinfulness:

1960’s Sexual/Drug Experimentation Revolution

1970’s Roe v. Wade/Feminist Revolution

1980’s Decade of “Greed is Good”

1990’s Just Do It (whatever “it” was)

The New Millenium motto seems to be the “Anything Goes” period along with the requisite perverse elevation of the individual through narcissism.  Everyone is now starring in his/her own Reality Show drama for all to see on the various social media platforms.  Unfortunately, this mentality has spread to the American Christian Church as we see our religious leaders vying for position as the biggest “Mega-Church” or at the top of the New York Times Bestsellers list.   

Like the new breed of mega-roller coasters…we’ve peaked to new heights.  However, we are now careening recklessly downhill experiencing zero gravity and a G-Force that is sure to rip the skin from our bones. 

Since President Obama’s 1st Presidential term beginning in 2009, he seems to be hell-bent on “fundamentally transforming” America.  I think a lot can be determined about an individual by what they simply “can’t wait” to do once they get in a position of authority.    

One of the 1st  official acts as President in January 2009:

Shed more innocent blood by expanding U.S. taxpayer funding of abortions worldwide

One of the 1st official acts as President in January 2013:

Send F-16 fighter jets and tanks to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood

Just days after his inauguration on January 21st, he rushed to announce his immigration reform plan on January 29th. He quickly began showing the administrations support of the gay marriage issue before the Supreme Court and is now pushing Civilian Disarmament rapidly on the heels of a national tragedy that still oozes like an open sore in the minds of the public.  He signed a sweeping gun control Executive order just 32 days after the Newtown shootings hardly enough time to have a national discussion on this issue.  One must question:  What’s the big rush?

I studied out these two words in the Bible:  “Hurry” and “Rush”.  At first glance, you might expect to find meanings that are relatively similar.  However, “hurry” in the Bible is more often associated with Godly pursuits while “rush” connotes evil.  For example, the Bible tells us to “hurry” in the following examples:

Hurry out of Sodom and Gomorrah (sinfulness)

Hurry out of Egypt (bondage/servitude/government entitlements)

Hurry to make atonement (repent)

Hurry to sacrifice pleasing offerings to God (prayer, service, worship)

Hurry to confront evil (Goliath/Philistines vs. David/Israel)

Hurry to give God's message to STOP OPPOSING Him (Scripture prophecy)

Hurry to a place of shelter under God's wing (Faith)

Hurry away from a bad law/decree (so appropriate today in America)

Hurry--as in have a burning desire for God's will, plans, judgment to occur and come into view:  Bible Verse:  ("Let God hurry")

and God saved the best reference for last:

Hurry Day of Pentecost (fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit)

“Rush” on the other hand is found in verses like this:

There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:
17         haughty eyes,
        a lying tongue,
        hands that shed innocent blood,
18         a heart that devises wicked schemes,
        feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19         a false witness who pours out lies
        and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
~Proverbs 6: 16-19


 Demonic Pigs rushing headlong to destruction:

He gave them permission, and the impure spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd,about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.
~Mark 5:13

I believe Jesus told Judas to do his “dirty work” quickly because He knew it HAD to happen.  This release of evil HAD to precede a God-ordained Masterful work of Redemption.  God does not tempt anyone:

When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone
~James 1:13

Judas had already decided of his own volition to make this evil choice.  God was simply saying, in effect…”now get it over with so we can see the Glory of God”. 

Unfortunately sometime soon, I believe we will see the final “shoe drop” in America.  In the Bible, THREE TIMES has great importance and significance as Peter denied Christ Three times

America is about to, in essence, deny Christ three times.  Two of them are already “fait accompli” and have even reached a unique milestone anniversary:

1)    January 22nd, 2013:  40 year anniversary of Roe v. Wade

2)    June 25th, 2012:  50 year anniversary of Prayer removal from public schools
(PS: June 17th, 2013: 50 year anniversary of Bible reading removed from schools also)

The third one is considered to be a “shoe in” by even the most right-leaning conservative pundits.  Here’s the third:  

3)    Looming Supreme Court decision disregarding God’s ordained plan for man/woman marriage

In Ancient Israel, they sacrificed their newborn children to the evil god Molech, elevated sexual perversions to a form of religious practice by having “temple prostitutes” and replaced God with false idols.  Needless to say, they were destroyed and taken into bondage and captivity.  In fact, there has been no culture in history that has wantonly slaughtered innocents, sanctioned sexual perversions and removed Almighty God from its center that has survived.  America will be no different.

Gulty, Guilty, Guilty…we will simply await societal sentencing by the true “Supreme Court”.  The Bible says the wicked will be overtaken by “sudden catastrophe”.  By any Biblical definition of the word, America has become wicked. 

The American Christian Church has precious little time to waste.  Drop the building programs, forget the potluck fundraiser dinners and arm your battle stations.  Pick up the battle weapon that is closest to you.  If you preach, then use the pulpit.  If you are a gifted writer, then sound the alarm by social media.  If you are financially able, donate to those on the front lines.    

So to the American Christian Church…Hurry up and die already. 

~Hurry up and Die to Selfishness

~Hurry up and Die to Apostasy

~Hurry up and Die to Cheap Grace

~Hurry up and Die to Watered down Religion

There is going to be much work to do. 

 For the rest of those Americans attempting to re-define our Judeo-Christian Heritage I say…

What you are about to do, do quickly.

Disaster will come upon you, and you will not know how to conjure it away. A calamity will fall upon you that you cannot ward off with a ransom; a catastrophe you cannot foresee will suddenly come upon you.
~Isaiah 47:11

“If we and our posterity reject religious instruction and authority, violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the political constitution which holds us together, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us, that shall bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”
~ Daniel Webster

 Please join our National Repentance Movement.


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